Hot Takes with the Timberlakes: What’s a Good Deal?

Real estate requires perspective. Is this a good price? Is this a bad interest rate? Is now a good time to buy? Is now a bad time to sell? The journey that each person has with real estate is subjective and personal. And while everyone likes to think they have the ability to approach a deal with the objective, analytical prowess of Warren Buffett, the truth is that you just need to do what works for you (plus I'm certain even the Oracle of Omaha has made more than a few emotional decisions over the course of his career that began before the microwave was invented).

I don't know if it's Google or Boomer Dads™ that we have to thank (sorry to out you, Boomer Dads™, but things aren't the same as they were when you bought that 5-bedroom house for $72,000 back in 1983), but people often have this new-found proclivity towards getting a "good deal" when it comes to buying a home. I would bet all of my money that if you lined up five successful people whose full-time career was real estate investing, and you asked them to give you their criteria of a "good deal," they would each give you a different answer.

Don't get me wrong, numbers are very important in real estate, and we will certainly have in-depth conversations about numbers. What's most important for the majority of home-buyers though is that you understand a few key numbers (price, down-payment, monthly payment, etc.) and are comfortable with them within your budget and lifestyle. Beyond that, there are plenty of other factors that should also be taken into consideration when it comes to your real estate journey. At the end of the day, it’s our job to walk you through process and help you prioritize the factors that make sense for your specific situation, and we’ll do precisely that.


Hot Takes with the Timberlakes: Professional Photos


Hot Takes with the Timberlakes: Credit Tips